My Family's Country of Origin: Lithuania
I have never had the experience of welcoming a family from another country into my early childhood program. However, based on the knowledge I have gained from the course I would prepare for the family in the following ways:
1. Gain general knowledge about Lithuania (I believe that by having some knowledge about the country such as its location, national language, religion, holidays and other surface culture, I will be able to have some background information about the family's life in Lithuania.)
2. Find and Join a community group or organization with Lithuanian members (Reading about Lithuania is a great way to gain general knowledge about the culture, but being able to talk to someone who lived there and has a special connection to the country will give me further insight into the family's culture. I could even make a contact that could act as a host for the family and translator if needed.)
3. Learn common words and phrases (It would be helpful for me and the family if I learned some of their home language so that I can communicate with them. Hopefully, it would help them to feel more welcome and ease some of the anxiety associated with being in a new place.)
4. Gather visual aids to assist with communication (I believe that visual aids will help the child most in the classroom to communicate with me and the rest of the class. For example, if the child has to go to the restroom he/she could show the picture to let me know.)
5. Talk to the students in the classroom before the family arrives (I think that is important to keep the students informed of major changes that will affect them. The students will have a tremendous influence on the child's feelings about the program. I plan to educate the students about the family's country of origin and how to make the child feel welcome in the classroom.)
All of these preparations are basic steps that will help me in making the family feel like they belong in the program. But, I do realize that being culturally responsive to this family will take some time. Gaining knowledge about their deep culture will definitely take several discussions. Learning about the overall culture of the country will be a great first step in getting to know the family and making them feel comfortable.